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Shawbrook Bank’s Buy-To-Let Market Report

by | Jun 21, 2017 | Brokers, Clients

Recently Shawbrook Bank launched its Buy-To-Let Report, providing a wide range of insights and analysis into this key marketplace. Shawbrook Bank commissioned economic think tank, the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), to take a current and future view of the private rented sector and in particular the buy-to-let (BTL) market. You can read the full report online here.

The research finds that although investors will face some challenges, buy-to-let remains a compelling asset class for those who gear sensibly and are in it for the long haul. With the right specialist advice, this is a market that investors can prosper in years to come.

The report highlighted some important areas for further discussion, leading Shawbrook to put together a group of leading property experts to debate the issues in the report, and also to give their views on both BTL and the private rental sector. Shawbrook condensed the report findings into a shorter summary report, containing input from selected Shawbrook partners, including CPC Finance.
